From top-notch health insurance and vacation time to community gardens and sabbaticals, our benefits are designed to make your life easier and more enriching.

Retirement & Insurance
We'll help you prepare for the future with our 401(k) matching, life insurance, and disability insurance. We also offer on-campus retirement planning sessions with financial experts.

Onsite Services
Get your oil changed while you work, drop off your dry cleaning at the New York Sock Exchange (pun intended), or have your Community Supported Agriculture share delivered to our campus. We help with the small things that will make your life a little easier.

Health & Wellness
Our high-quality health insurance is comprehensive, starts on your first day, and will probably cost you less than you’ll spend each month on cheese curds. It also covers families for those who have little ones, spouses, and domestic partners.

Community Giving
Epic gives back, and employees play an essential part in our charitable initiatives. Whether you're helping Habitat for Humanity, donating in our monthly blood drive, or nominating a charity to our annual giving list, you'll be amazed by what we can accomplish together.

Compensation & Stock
You'll be recognized for the impact your work has on the company and our customers with merit-based compensation. You'll be eligible for raises and bonuses annually, as well as stock options, which give you an even greater stake in the success of Epic and our customers.

Ongoing Learning
From a comprehensive orientation program to biannual learning weeks, we make continuing education a priority. We also offer tuition reimbursement, student-loan repayment, a personal professional development fund, and a library filled with books to further your knowledge.

What are Sabbaticals?
Every five years, you'll be eligible for a month-long paid sabbatical. If you go to a country you've never visited, Epic helps to cover the flight and hotel expenses for you and a guest. It's our way of encouraging you to expand your horizons and experience something entirely new.